Rochester, N.Y. – For the month of July, the Central Library of Rochester & Monroe County will be the host site for a display that chronicles the nearly 100-year history of CSEA, the Civil Service Employees Association. The union has grown from its meager beginnings in 1910 as a small association of state employees, to become one of New York’s largest labor unions. CSEA represents about 300,000 members throughout the State, Local Government and Private Sector and negotiates more than 1,100 contracts in various municipalities.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Rochester, N.Y. – For the month of July, the Central Library of Rochester & Monroe County will be the host site for a display that chronicles the nearly 100-year history of CSEA, the Civil Service Employees Association. The union has grown from its meager beginnings in 1910 as a small association of state employees, to become one of New York’s largest labor unions. CSEA represents about 300,000 members throughout the State, Local Government and Private Sector and negotiates more than 1,100 contracts in various municipalities.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
CSEA Standing In Solidarity
CSEA Western Region President Flo Tripi, second from right, joined Monroe County CSEA Local 828 members at a June 9 county legislature meeting. Members stood in support of the full-time unit 7400 negotiating team, which recently declared impasse; the probation officers, who are working severely short-staffed; and the part-time unit, which is also in negotiations with management.
posted at 7:45 pm
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
NYS Supreme Court Rules Against Monroe County
CSEA Statewide President Danny Donohue, left, Western Region President, Flo Tripi and Labor Relations Specialist, Robert Leonard field questions during a press conference on June 12. The press conference brought attention to a State Supreme Court ruling ordering Monroe County to stop undermining CSEA.
The City of Rochester, host for the CSEA spring workshop, brought over 800 activists from around New York State to the flower city. CSEA is New York State's leading union, representing nearly 300,000 workers in the public and private sector.
Standing behind President Donohue, Tripi and Leonard are statewide and local officers including Local 828 VP-Elect Cris Zaffuto and Local 828 VP-Elect Ove Overmyer.
CSEA officials were in Albany NYS Supreme Court for about 4 hours of testimony and legal arguments on June 18. The good news is the judge continued the injunction against the County of Monroe which requires them to cease and desist with letters, surveys and interviews regarding members being represented by CSEA.
Leonard says, "This is a victory for all the Monroe County P/T union members. It really appeared that the judge saw right through the county's arguments. The county apparently saw the writing on the wall and did not send top County officials to Albany for the hearing. Monroe County was solely represented by one Harris-Beach attorney."
A final decision about the County's anti-union efforts will be handed down in 6 to 8 weeks.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Monday, June 8, 2009

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Ten Things You Should Know About Us

The Voice for the Members State completely understands the role of the Local 828 officers--they should provide support services and programs that improve the lives of all the CSEA Unit members here in Monroe County.
Here are ten things we will accomplish starting on day one:
1) Have a CSEA Local 828 website up and running immediately. It will be primarily designed for member usability and not programmed for the convienence of Local 828 officers or web administrators. We will post links, policies, meeting schedules, constitutions and anything and everything union to help improve communication between our Units, Region and State offices. CSEA Local 828 has never had a working website EVER.
2) Provide a positive consistent media presence with regular editorials and news articles in local publications. We need to be more vocal about representing the best interests of the people who actually "do the work."
3) Our extensive experience of over 80 years of union activism will allow for us to mentor, train, educate and guide new units and officers.
4) We will immediately create a handy information guide on "how to navigate the CSEA bureaucracy." Unlike others, we possess "original thoughts" and "original ideas."
5) Promote coalition-building with community groups and other local unions.
6) Create an online listserv for transparency and open communication at a large scale.
7) Three of our top slate members have invested serveral years cultivating political relationships with Village, Town, City, County and State lawmakers. We promise to continue to lobby hard for CSEA and all working families.
8) We will create a new "culture of cooperation."
9) We will have an "open door" policy at the Local 828 office on a regularly scheduled basis. And, we respectfully promise to return your phone calls and emails back as soon as humanly possible!
10) As your fellow workers representing the Voice for the Members Slate, we hold the values of honesty, inclusiveness, full participation, diversity, transparency, accountability and fiscal responsibility. We will conduct our business in a fiscally sound manner. Individually and as a team, we are committed to the principles of union democracy.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Absentee Ballots Available June 3!

The CSEA Units of Monroe County Local 828:
Please VOTE for Voice for the Members Slate on June 9! Stay tuned to this blog for polling site locations! Any CSEA Local 828 election questions can be answered by calling 328.5250.