Candidates Muscato, Condello, Bredes and Meleca-Voigt earn targeted repsect of Monroe County's largest public employee union. Members and retirees urged to Get Out The Vote!
Rochester, N.Y.-- CSEA Local 828 political action committee members are organizing and mobilizing around two central action items before Election Day. Local 828 President Bess Watts says, "Advocating for and electing these individuals for the County Legislature in the Districts 4, 13, 18 and 19 will go along way to creating a better relationship between our members and the lawmakers who represent us. What we are looking for is better partners in good government."
CSEA Local 828 will be hosting a phone bank this Friday 10/30 to educate members on which candidates best support the issues of our working families. There are also many volunteer opportunites for members right up to Election Day. Here are some details:
What: Phone calling CSEA members about our important County Legislature races
When: Friday, Oct 30, 5 pm - 8 pm
Where: Region 6 Satellite Office, 3495 Winton Place, Bldg E
Dinner will be provided. President Watts encourages all Unit Presidents to come and bring your members!
GOTV literature distribution efforts will continue on Saturday, October 31 through Election Day. For more info about walking in your district, call Ove at 585.423.9862.
Here is a list of endorsed candidates for the Monroe County Legislature:
District 02 -- Sheldon Myers (D)
District 03 -- Michele Weaver (D)
District 04 -- Frank Muscato (D)
District 07 -- Rick Antelli (R)
District 13 -- Michael Condello (D)
District 14 -- Travis Heider (D)
District 18 -- Nora Bredes (D)
District 19 -- Jo Meleca-Voigt (D)
District 21 -- Carrie Andrews (D)
District 23 -- Paul Haney (D)
District 24 -- Harry Bronson (D)
District 28 -- Cynthia Kaleh (D)
District 29 -- Saul Maneiro (D)
Any questions regarding this year's election cycle, please don't hesitate to call the Local 828 office at 585.328.5250.