Friday, November 27, 2009
Monroe County workers to meet with management on December 17; Survey key to successful negotiations
Rochester, N.Y.-- On a November 6 vote, Local 828 Monroe County Unit 7400 workers refused to ratify a collective bargaining agreement with County management officials. Workers visited 6 polling sites around the County and voted 470 to 350 to extend contract talks into December.
Cris Zaffuto, Unit 7400 President, says wages and health insurance are the sticking points and she hopes that members will provide the necessary feedback so we can resume productive talks with County officials in the days ahead.
Zaffuto says, "The negotiation team is finalizing the results of our last survey and we will post the information on our Unit website as soon is it becomes available. We are working very hard to make sure that we get a fair and decent contract that everyone can live with."
Unit 7400 has the largest membership in Monroe County Local 828, totaling more than 1,850 workers. CSEA members in Unit 7400 represent over 9 different sections in various job titles and worksites around the County. The Unit negotiations team will be meeting with management December 17. The workers have been without a contract since December 31, 2008.
Monday, November 23, 2009
CSEA Officers Attend MCC Foundation Dinner
Rochester, N.Y.-- M&T Bank’s 20-year tradition of leadership and philanthropy to support the success of Monroe Community College students was recognized at the Monroe Community College Foundation’s 20th annual Salute to Excellence dinner that was held on Thursday Nov. 19, at the Rochester Riverside Convention Center. MCC Unit 7402 is one of the largest Units in Monroe County Local 828.
Bess Watts, Local 828 President says, “I want to thank the members of the MCC Unit 7402 for inviting CSEA Region 6 President Flo Tripi and myself. It’s very important to support your members and employer at all costs. Maintaining a good labor management relationship is paramount to delivering the best possible results for our members. Additionally, having a labor presence at these events reminds our employers how much we employees give back to our workplace and to the community. I was honored to be there.”
A Rochester tradition since 1989, the Salute to Excellence award is a Steuben crystal star, in the shape of the MCC Foundation’s logo. Its design reflects the shining example of the recipient’s personal commitment and generosity to public higher education and the Greater Rochester community.
The evening also recognized the personal and professional success of the 2009 MCC Alumni Hall of Fame inductees Beverly and R. Wayne LeChase (LeChase Construction Services, LLC) who served as honorary chairs for the event. Lauren Dixon (Dixon Schwabl) served as the dinner chair.
Monday, November 9, 2009

A little after 11:00 pm on Saturday, November 7, and by a 220-215 vote, the U.S. House has passed a historic health care reform bill that will improve the nation’s health care system, covering millions of uninsured and making insurance work better for those who have it.
H.R. 3962, the Affordable Health Care for America Act, fulfills the decades-long promise to create a system that provides affordable, high-quality health care coverage to nearly everyone. It will break the stranglehold of insurance company greed and cut costs for both families and the country. It will make a real difference for families across the country.
The bill is fairly funded, relying on employer responsibility and a surtax on the highest earners—not a tax on middle-class workers’ health benefits. And it offers the choice of a public health insurance option that can compete with private insurers.
Across the country, a broad coalition of community groups, including the union movement, fought hard and reached out to House members to ask them to pass this critical bill. Thousands of your letters and phone calls helped make the difference.
AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka says this bill is a big victory for working families. He added, "We heard a lot of rhetoric today, but in the end it boils down to this: It is time to say “yes” to a more secure future for Americans—and that is how the majority in the House of Representatives answered. It is time to say “yes” to lowering health costs, breaking the stranglehold of the insurance companies and extending health care to those in our rich country who are sick and need it. Shame on those who stood for the failed status quo by voting no.”
We applaud Speaker Pelosi, the other members of the leadership and the majority in the House of Representatives for bringing us closer than ever to our long-held goal.
The U.S. Senate will consider a health care reform bill over the coming weeks, and then the House and Senate will combine the bills in conference. There’s still a long way to go, but today is a great day for the country and a big step toward a health care system that works for everyone.
Friday, November 6, 2009

The U.S. House of Representatives is about to hold a historic vote on the Affordable Health Care for America Act (HR 3962).
This landmark bill will increase security and stability for those of us who have health care, and provide quality, affordable coverage for those of us who don't. There are many working families in the Monroe County area that do not have employer based healthcare, including our very own CSEA members. If you have an interesting story to share, please think about joining us at the next Labor Lyceum.
Titled, "Just Health Care," the gathering will take place on Saturday, November 14, 2009.
Here are the details:
When: 10am to 12pm
Where: NYSUT, 30 North Union Street, Rochester, NY.
This lyceum will present several local perspectives on fundamental and neglected aspects of the healthcare issue. What is health? What would a just healthcare policy look like? Can we provide "good" healthcare to ALL Americans? And, what obstacles block the ideal healthcare policy, and how can they be overcome? Time will be provided for audience questions and comments.
Speakers: Bruce Popper, 1199 SEIU; Ron Hickel, Past Director, Manitoba Health Care; and, Leon Zoghlin, Physicians for a National Healthcare Plan.
For more information, please go to the Rochester Labor Council website.
To view CSEA's perspective on this legislative action, you can search by following these links provided below:
Download a flier with a sample phone script and Congressional phone number
See how the House bill will affect each Congressional district
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Read the AFSCME Daily Newswire