Strong Communities Work: Rochester, N.Y. a video by CSEA Monroe County, N.Y. Local 828 on Flickr.
Saturday, November 30, 2013
Strong Communities Work: Rochester, N.Y.
Strong Communities Work: Rochester, N.Y. a video by CSEA Monroe County, N.Y. Local 828 on Flickr.
Monday, November 25, 2013
Sunday, November 24, 2013
On Nov. 21, 2013, Local 828 Next Wave Chair April Buckley (left) delivers holiday goods to the Blue Star Canteen. (photo provided) |
Canandaigua, N.Y.-- On Thursday, November 21, Monroe County Local
828 Next Wave Chair April Buckley dropped off a holiday donation supply of food, money,
toiletries and personal items that will be delivered to overseas troops for the
upcoming holiday season via the Blue Star Mothers of America, NY, Chapter #1,
Canandaigua, N.Y. CSEA donated more than 100 lbs. of goodies this year. From their own pockets, CSEA Local 828 members also made a substantial financial contribution to the organization this year.
Blue Star Mothers are Moms of military personnel. They are a
non-political, non-profit and non-sectarian organization. Their Chapter was
started by five Moms back in 2004. They join over two hundred other chapters
around the nation to carry out the mission statement of serving our deployed
troops, our veterans and the families on the home front.
The Blue Star Canteen is located on the beautiful grounds of
the Canandaigua, New York Veterans Administration Hospital in an old white
farmhouse they have rehabbed into their HQ.
The mission of this maternal organization is to meet the needs of our deployed soldiers with boxes full of a touch of home, cards and letters. If they get a special request from our troops, they attempt to fill it. New York # 1 is full of Mothers who are doing their best to make a difference while their child is deployed.
CSEA Next Wave was proud to be a collaborating partner with the Blue Star Mothers and looks forward to more projects in the future.

Next Wave activists with CSEA President Danny Donohue during a Next Wave retreat held in Rensselaerville, NY.
Since 2008, an enthusiastic group of young CSEA members have been working alongside seasoned union members to develop this new generation of union activists. With support from CSEA President Danny Donohue, Next Wave activists have worked at the grassroots level in the six CSEA regions and at statewide CSEA events to be a voice for young workers and grow young worker involvement in the labor movement.
Saturday, November 23, 2013
Maggie Brooks: Tightrope
Published on Nov 23, 2013
(For best viewing results, select 1080p HD full screen.) The career and legacy of the Brooks administration is hanging in the balance. As far as we can tell, the Brooks legacy will go down in history as one that afforded opportunities to those who are financially insulated from any harm while the disabled, middle-class, poor and working poor were left with higher fees, limited services and a lower standard of living. This year's budget is more of the same-- less money for child care for poor families and plenty of perks to keep the wealthy supporting her personal agenda.
It wasn't that long ago Maggie Brooks tried unsuccessfully to take money away from our schools with her FAIR plan-- a deal the taxpayers are still smarting from. She also eliminated funding for the Center for Disability Rights, nixed a joint public safety agreement with the City of Rochester and hacked away at lead paint funding which would make our children less safe.
Tax levies have risen eight times since she has been in office, despite her attempt to paint another picture. If you want bigger income inequality, under performing schools, less regulatory controls on the water we drink, in the air that we breathe, or tainted meat for that matter, Maggie Brooks is exactly who you want as your County Executive. If you want your government to put personal profit of a few insiders before the common good of the taxpayers, than support her agenda. With the advent of her most trusted circle of friends being indicted on felonious crimes, these developments have moved the conversation from unethical to criminal. When will the average citizen say, enough is enough?
Putting it mildly, Maggie Brooks is a divisive, anti-worker and anti-equality law maker. Despite all the turmoil that surrounds her, the media throws her softballs and holds her to a different standard. She hires Dennis Vacco at taxpayer expense to hold a press conference to tell the community she did "nothing inappropriate" with respect to the LDC fiasco. This is the behavior of someone so removed from the public she can't even understand how arrogant and galling this behavior might be to most learned observers.
However, sooner or later the Teflon will slip off the ol' frying pan. She is walking a narrow tightrope right now.
And, lastly, if you cannot make the connection between local GOP policies and child poverty rates in Rochester and Monroe County, you are living in a fantasy world.
It wasn't that long ago Maggie Brooks tried unsuccessfully to take money away from our schools with her FAIR plan-- a deal the taxpayers are still smarting from. She also eliminated funding for the Center for Disability Rights, nixed a joint public safety agreement with the City of Rochester and hacked away at lead paint funding which would make our children less safe.
Tax levies have risen eight times since she has been in office, despite her attempt to paint another picture. If you want bigger income inequality, under performing schools, less regulatory controls on the water we drink, in the air that we breathe, or tainted meat for that matter, Maggie Brooks is exactly who you want as your County Executive. If you want your government to put personal profit of a few insiders before the common good of the taxpayers, than support her agenda. With the advent of her most trusted circle of friends being indicted on felonious crimes, these developments have moved the conversation from unethical to criminal. When will the average citizen say, enough is enough?
Putting it mildly, Maggie Brooks is a divisive, anti-worker and anti-equality law maker. Despite all the turmoil that surrounds her, the media throws her softballs and holds her to a different standard. She hires Dennis Vacco at taxpayer expense to hold a press conference to tell the community she did "nothing inappropriate" with respect to the LDC fiasco. This is the behavior of someone so removed from the public she can't even understand how arrogant and galling this behavior might be to most learned observers.
However, sooner or later the Teflon will slip off the ol' frying pan. She is walking a narrow tightrope right now.
And, lastly, if you cannot make the connection between local GOP policies and child poverty rates in Rochester and Monroe County, you are living in a fantasy world.
Standard YouTube License
Friday, November 22, 2013
Sunday, November 17, 2013
Saturday, November 16, 2013
You have to admit the ACA is a step in the right direction for America. Although there are logistical problems rolling out the delivery of plans and services, the fact remains the common good is being served and nearly 71 more million Americans will receive preventive care. Imagine if we didn't have to endure the obstructionism for the GOP and misinformation of the insurance companies plus the monied elite-- we would be a lot farther down the road.
Most GOP'ers hate Obama more than they love America. The ACA proves that. In case you can't remember or just don't know, the GOP lead House has tried to undo the act by passing 34 meaningless bills to dismantle affordable and accessible healthcare for the most marginalized citizens in the United States of America.
There are currently 27 federally-facilitated exchanges, 17 state-based exchanges, and seven state-federal partnership exchanges, including Washington, D.C. In California, a state-run exchange, more than 35,360 individuals have enrolled.
Most GOP'ers hate Obama more than they love America. The ACA proves that. In case you can't remember or just don't know, the GOP lead House has tried to undo the act by passing 34 meaningless bills to dismantle affordable and accessible healthcare for the most marginalized citizens in the United States of America.
There are currently 27 federally-facilitated exchanges, 17 state-based exchanges, and seven state-federal partnership exchanges, including Washington, D.C. In California, a state-run exchange, more than 35,360 individuals have enrolled.
Health care registration numbers fell far below the 500,000 individuals the White House expected to register during the first month of the rollout. Between 40,000 and 50,000 Americans completed applications or registered for insurance plans on since Oct. 1.
The president on Thursday took responsibility for the problem-plagued rollout.
The House passed Republicans’ answer to Obama’s health care fix, allowing insurers to continue offering plans that don’t meet the standards of the Affordable Care Act.
Friday, November 15, 2013
Cuomo Pays Millions to Recruiting Company
November 15, 2013-- The Cuomo Administration has signed a contract to pay over $20 million in taxpayer money for “talent acquisition services” over the next five years. The contract will pay Rochester-area company Datrose for each public employee hired through the company’s recruitment efforts.
CSEA President Danny Donohue blasted the plan, saying, “They are laying off and undercutting frontline state employees in nearly every agency claiming that taxpayers can't afford necessary services anymore. But money is apparently no object when it comes to filling their political patronage positions."
Tax Commission Releases Report
The New York State Tax Reform and Fairness Commission, established by the Governor in 2012, released its recommended reforms to the state tax code this week. Among its recommendations were a reduction of tax credits in areas such as film production and the financial sector, providing property tax relief to low-income families, and reforming the state’s corporate and estate taxes.
Even before this commission released its report, Cuomo had already called for the creation of a new commission to study taxes, making it clear that the Governor is only interested in recommendations that fit his political priorities.
Despite facing a nearly $2 billion budget deficit in the upcoming fiscal year, it is expected that the Governor will propose a tax cut in the run up to his 2014 re-election campaign.
Legislative Update
There are still 79 bills awaiting action from the Governor including the Veterans’ Employment Act that is strongly supported by CSEA.
Monday, November 11, 2013
Saturday, November 9, 2013
Work Connects Us All
Rochester, N.Y.-- A video public service announcement brought to you by the Voice Reporter, CSEA Monroe County Local 828 and the AFL-CIO. Images Credits: AFL-CIO NOW, CSEA, Uni. of Rochester, N.Y., Annette Lein and Ove Overmyer. Sterling Comfort Productions, © 2013.
Thursday, November 7, 2013
Sunday, November 3, 2013
Saturday, November 2, 2013
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