Stay tuned to the Voice Reporter for up to minute Twitter updates on the happenings from the Empire State Plaza Convention Center and the Legislative Office Buildings and the State Capitol Building. The program begins at 11:00 am in the Empire State Plaza Convention Center.

"As you enter these doors, contemplate the political philosophy that influenced many of our country's founders.
People get the government they deserve.
Good moral people concerned about others get a good moral government that cares about the people.
People that are greedy, lazy, or apathetic, get a government that is greedy, immoral and unconcerned with the public's welfare.
In a democracy, each of us is responsible for the quality of our government."
This simple House gallery sign can serve as words of insipration for our activists, members and future voters as we venture into this next legislative session. It emphasizes personal responsiblity and action when it comes to democracy and puts the onus on the voting public to engage in the process-- right where it should be.
Your CSEA Local 828 officers are also asking members to please visit the CSEA Truth Center to learn more about this year's budget plan, the truth about pensions, updates about the Wisconsin events, lobby and rally details, debunking myths, talking points and political action news alerts.
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