MLK, Jr. was a man of conscience and a beacon to the freedom movement. His message of freedom, equality, justice and love is more important today than it ever was. Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial Park, DC, USA. Photos: Ove Overmyer ©10-19-2012 |
By Ove Overmyer
Today, calendar watchers everywhere celebrate and honor the legacy
of MLK. For many grassroots community activists like me who fight for social, economic
and racial justice every waking moment, it’s really just another day fighting
for the right to stay relevant in an often uncaring and turbulent world. And
frankly speaking, I'm a little sick and tired of empty rhetoric coming from
insincere politicians, corporations and unscrupulous nonprofits in the name of Dr. Martin
Luther King, Jr.
It might have taken a
near-historic recession in 2008 for many Americans to notice our country's
rapidly rising levels of racial unrest and income inequality, but the gap
between rich and poor has finally gone mainstream, with bloggers, economists
and policymakers of all stripes spouting theories on why we should or shouldn't
care. And while the debate continues over cause and consequence, that
central claim has proven unshakable: the void between the wealth of the world’s
richest and poorest is widening, and few signs show any indication of it
slowing down anytime soon. Any sane economist will tell you growing
levels income inequality spell doom for any democratic nation or civil society.
You would also have to be living under a rock not to know the
concept of “post-racial America” is a farce and non-existent. The concept is
repugnant and offensive. As a matter of fact, I believe we have never been more
racially polarized than we are right now.
To add insult to injury on MLK’s legacy, one of my favorite
journalists, NYT’s Steven Greenhouse, shared a story today that revealed that the
world's richest 1 percent will soon amass wealth that represents more than the
entirety of that owned by the rest of the people on our planet.
In 2014, the 80 richest people had a collective wealth of $1.9
trillion — a rise of $600 billion, or 50 percent in four years, according to
the report, Wealth: Having It All and Wanting More. The report used
data taken from Forbes' billionaires list and also research conducted by Swiss
financial services group Credit Suisse.
President Obama is also expected on Tuesday in his State of the
Union address to unveil a series of proposals aimed at alleviating economic
inequality in the United States. He will meet tremendous resistance. And for
some, the status-quo is exactly how they want it. This is not just happenstance—this
has been a calculated strategy and master plan all along. This is about greed,
plain and simple.
Today’s observed holiday also comes on the heels of a GOP-lead Congress
who voted in its first week of session to change
the rules to make reallocation harder. This stealth attack on Social Security
and the 11 million disabled persons who depend upon it was launched with full
knowledge that the funds for Social Security disability will run dry early next
year. A failure to reallocate would mean that disability benefits would have to
be cut by 20 percent. A standard reallocation would keep both the old-age and
disability programs solvent until 2033, meaning there is plenty of time to work
out a long-term fix without launching a war on the disabled.
I personally believe
the root cause of poverty and income inequality, viewed in the most general
terms, is extreme human ingenuity, albeit of a perverse amoral kind. Most
educated folks in the know would tell you based on data and facts not supposition
or religious doctrine-- no economy will grow or survive without a strong
Supporting working
poor and the disabled is just good economic public policy, period. It’s also a
moral responsibility of everyone to take care of those who cannot care for
themselves. Ask yourself this question, what is the role of government in the first
place? But here we are—January 19, 2015—and the values that persist in such
times of unspeakable wealth for some exist at the same time there is immeasurable
suffering for most. Individual materialism and wealth are now extolled as righteous
American values and heavily outweigh any sense of civic self sacrifice or community
MLK’s legacy
So, indulge me for a moment. Let me share my thoughts about MLK,
the man I remember and honor.
I remember MLK as a fierce fighter for unions and working people.
He died April 4, 1968 while helping AFSCME sanitation workers in Memphis,
I remember the diplomat. I remember his ability to forge
coalitions when the difference between a successful protest and a bust depends
on mobilizing not just the members of one group, but also many disparate ones.
I honor the provocateur. King's willingness to confront, coerce
and consequently enrage opponents has been downplayed, but I remember it being
one of his best qualities. He was not a passive dreamer—he was much, much more.
I idolize the believer. He didn't lose sight of what was right
because of expedience or politics — especially partisan politics, which many
activists see as a trap. King's strength through many trials stemmed from
"a calmness that was founded in rectitude."
I could never be as courageous as MLK, but let me try. Activists
today know they could have been killed in King's day, and King himself was
arrested about 30 times. He was all about action—despite the hate and
uncertainty that confronted him on a daily basis.
I will always admire his independence. King refused to kowtow in
the Oval Office. He ignored President Kennedy's opposition to the March on
Washington in 1963, and broke with President Johnson in 1967 to oppose the
Vietnam War.
I respect his fortitude. King persisted despite death threats, jailing,
FBI wiretaps and delays — the civil rights bill sat in Congress for years. His faith told him time was on his side-- he knew
he was right.
In summary, the easiest way to destroy MLK’s
dream, and the American Dream for that matter, is to support any notion that racially
divides us as a nation and take away a worker's opportunity of bettering their
station in life. This has become the new normal and the common conundrum for
every unemployed, low-wage, involuntary part time worker in America. This is
not what Dr. King would have wanted. I know this firsthand—because I am one of
those workers.
Overmyer is CSEA President, City of Rochester
Library Workers Local 828 Unit 7420
Photo: Ove Overmyer, ©2012 |