Thursday, September 23, 2010


Members from the labor, LGBT and faith communities rallied at the Liberty Pole in downtown Rochester, N.Y. at noon on September 17 to spread the word about ONE NATION WORKING TOGETHER. (photo by Ove Overmyer)

Rochester, N.Y.--  In only a year and a half, President Obama has already repaired much of the damage wrought during the eight years of the Bush Administration - restoring America's reputation on the world stage and bringing an end to combat operations in Iraq.

Republican obstructionists want to halt our progress, take control of Congress and set President Obama up for failure. They want a return to the Bush-era policies that got us into this funk in the first place.

Just this past week, Republicans spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on attack ads. We have to answer the call. We cannot allow them to spin their way into power or continue to mislead the American public. We have to fight back.

If the pro-labor forces can come together at this crucial moment - just six weeks before Election Day - we can summon the enthusiasm, the resources and the votes we need to win. But it is going to take a massive commitment by us all to keep moving in the right direction.

The ultraconservative Republican candidates have been outspoken about their desire to outsource jobs, move towards privatizing public services, close off America's borders and shun cooperation with our partners throughout the world. That is why the labor community and our progressive partners must fight even harder to hold our ground.

It is going to be tough because anti-labor forces are getting hundreds of millions of dollars in help from right wing organizations like Karl Rove's American Crossroads. The amount of money that is being spent this election cycle is staggering. However, if each and every worker in America rises up and commits to doing his or her part, we will prevail. We cannot let one seat be lost to the right-wing Tea-Party agenda.

This isn't the first time we have faced a determined opponent. We have beat them before, and we'll do it again. But it will only happen if we all act now.

One Nation Working Together is an unprecedented national unity movement working to refocus the nation’s agenda on jobs, justice and education. We will march as One Nation Working Together on October 2,2010 in Washington D.C.

One Nation Working Together is an unprecedented diverse national movement of people from all backgrounds united in a shared belief that in America today the fundamental rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness mean jobs, justice and education.

Across the country, people are putting aside their differences and political agendas to denounce the tactics of hate and divisiveness brought on by the likes of Nevada's Sharron Angle, New York's Carl Paladino and Delaware's Christine O'Donnell. We are speaking in one voice for bold and sustainable action that will get America back to work and investing again in our people.

Now is the time to get off the couch and get on the bus-- no excuses. We will march as One Nation Working Together on October 2, 2010 in Washington D.C. You must be part of it in some way-- for more info about this event and to learn about transportation to DC, you can go here.

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