Both these guys are attacking the working class way of life. New York State public employee unions are bracing for the fight of a lifetime. (photos provided)
Rochester, N.Y.-- As our economic woes continue, the New York Democratic and Republican candidates for governor have both pledged to carry out draconian cuts on the state’s services and workforce. The election is being used by both Albany stalwarts and big business parties to shift the politics further to the right and inflict even deeper cuts on the social conditions of the working class.
Most media attention on the gubernatorial contest has focused on the contrast between Democratic candidate Andrew Cuomo and his Republican opponent, the Buffalo businessman and Tea Party-backed demagogue Carl Paladino. In fact, there is little difference between the policies of the candidates, both of whom speak for Wall Street and not Main Street.
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Expect longer lines at your local DMV offices under a Cuomo or Paladino administration. |
Both parties have categorically ruled out any increase in taxes on the wealthy and have promised instead even deeper cuts in state services and the public workforce. Cuomo and Paladino have both stated that they would reduce the state budget by 20 percent. Specifics on cuts are no where in sight. At the same time, both candidates seek to confuse and mislead working class voters with vague generalities. The labor community is deeply divided over Cuomo's candidacy and really don't know which end is up.
Among the proposed attacks on state workers are layoffs and reductions in pension and health care benefits. As part of the measures implemented in the attempt to close the current year’s budget gap, we (CSEA) and the Public Employees Federation (PEF) agreed not to oppose the creation of a new, fifth tier in the state retirement system for newly hired employees, with significantly reduced benefits from the existing four tiers. In return, the governor, David Paterson, agreed not to undertake any layoffs during the remainder of his term.
Both major party gubernatorial candidates have expressed support for Paterson’s plan. In addition, they have called for reduction in the size and number of state agencies, by consolidation (Cuomo) or outright elimination (Paladino), inevitably leading to more job losses. Cuomo told the New York Times that he thinks Paterson has the legal footing to still layoff workers before he leaves office at the end of the year. Click here to read Danny Donohue's repsonse to Cuomo's revelation.
Far from the caricature of a bloated workforce repeatedly trotted out by politicians and right-wing pundits, the New York Times has reported that the number of state employees has actually decreased by about 25 percent over the last two decades.
The fact that both Cuomo and Paladino support the layoffs means that even if they are delayed until the end of Paterson’s term, many more state workers are likely to lose their jobs regardless of the outcome of the election. Given the projected continuation of huge budget deficits for years into the future, further layoffs are certain to be proposed. In this light, the endorsement of Cuomo by PEF and the New York State AFL-CIO only exposes more clearly the complete partnership of some of the union bureaucrats with the Democratic Party in its assault on NYS public employees. A "no endorsement" would of been more appropriate.
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Public employee pensions are under attack. |
And, both the Democratic and Republican gubernatorial candidates have promised further attacks on state worker pensions and a reduction in health care coverage. Paladino has proposed to eliminate the defined benefit pension system for state workers and raise the retirement age.
Paladino has said that he wants to cut Medicaid, the public health insurance program for the poor, by $20 billion. This would be accomplished by eliminating what he calls, “waste, fraud, and abuse.” He also wants to get rid of many other jobs as well-- along with a reduction in “optional” services such as dental and eye care services for senior citizens and the poor.
The news media, in particluar the Gannett News conglomeration that publishes the Rochester Democrat & Chronicle, is actively taken up the narrative to vilify and scapegoat government workers and prepare public opinion for increasingly savage attacks. There is an overt attempt to conquer and divide public workers from private sector workers by highlighting the fact that benefits won by the former during years of struggle are not enjoyed by many who now work for private employers. It's the oldest trick in the book and everyone, including most labor folk, are buying it hook, line and sinker.
UPDATE 10-28-10 5:00 pm: CSEA: Gov. David Paterson layoff statement irresponsible:
"Governor David Paterson's announcement of plans for 898 state employee layoffs to begin before the end of his term on Dec. 31, 2010 is simply an irresponsible statement by the governor that is not supported by the facts and reality of the situation," said CSEA President Danny Donohue this afternoon.
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