Saturday, February 11, 2012


Fight Tier 6

CSEA is fighting the Governor's proposed Tier 6 pension plan. If he succeeds in getting Tier 6 passed into law, retirement security for all New Yorkers will be in jeopardy. 401(k)’s were never intended to take the place of pensions. They were designed to be savings vehicles to supplement pensions and social security income. The financial crisis of 08-09 dramatically demonstrated how a financial collapse can decimate 401(k) retirement savings.

Tier 6 provides no short-term savings to the State or localities. In fact, New York State Comptroller Tom DiNapoli has warned that Tier 6 would end up costing the state more in the long run, instead of less. The only thing it would do is have people work longer, pay more and benefit less.

Please take a moment to send your legislators a Valentine FAX asking them to oppose Tier 6. Click here.

State Comptroller DiNapoli Warns of Governor Power Grab

This week, Comptroller DiNapoli warned that the Executive Budget would “dramatically increase” Governor Cuomo’s abilities to move money from one agency to another, without regard to the original appropriation of the funds. CSEA opposes these changes that will reduce transparency and consolidate even more power under the Governor. As a result, public oversight and accountability involving our tax dollars would be at risk.

Senate Republican leader Dean Skelos and Democratic Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver joined DiNapoli in expressing concerns over Cuomo’s proposals that could leave the Legislature out of crucial funding decisions.

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