Monday, July 25, 2011


The House GOP is attacking worker rights
one more time.  It's time to stop this
runaway train to nowhere.
Washington, D.C.--  House Republicans are attacking workers' rights again, and this time they've shut down the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), stopping hundreds of thousands of construction and IT jobs for airport modernization and forcing the layoff of thousands of working Americans.

At 12:01 am Saturday morning, FAA funding was shut down. This attack is led by Representatives John Mica (R-Fla.) and Eric Cantor (R-Va.), and Speaker John Boehner, who, with House Republicans, are demanding that the democratic election standard for airline workers in a union representation election be stripped from the FAA Reauthorization Bill.

That's right. This anti-democratic, extremist campaign to stop workers from joining a union has grown so strong that House Republicans think it's more important than creating and keeping good American jobs.

These Members of Congress want to impose an election standard on airline workers that doesn't apply anywhere else in our democracy. They even want to count non-voters as NO votes. Under this standard, not a single current Member of Congress would have won election to the House of Representatives.

We can't allow this attack on workers' rights and democracy to go forward. Send an email to your representative today and urge him or her to put politics aside and put democracy and good jobs first.

It's a sad day when extremists would rather shut down the FAA and force the layoff of thousands of workers than allow airline workers to vote in a union election under the same standards used in every other American election. That democratic standard sent Rep. Mica and other representatives to Washington, but if they were subject to the rules they're trying to force on airline workers for union elections, none of them would have been elected.

But that's happening right now. State and local airport officials now must stop vital airport construction and improvement projects and fewer jobs will be created, all because Republicans don't want airline workers to have the same democratic voting rights as Americans enjoy in every election in our country.

Take a moment to tell to your member of Congress to drop the politics. It's time to do the right thing for America's working families and taxpayers and keep democracy in our country.

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