Friday, October 21, 2011


Rochester, N.Y.-- The dings in the Monroe County administration's armor is taking a toll on their communications machine.  When asked one more time to repsond to the latest news about a County LDC being supoenaed by the Attorney General, the Brooks administration reverts back to their knee-jerk arrogant spin language to divert your attention away from the facts, data, testimony and truth of the matter.

When they can’t twist the facts as they see fit, they rely on the only repsonse they have left in their arsenal-- it's just "political hay" and everyone else is wrong. Well, it didn't work when the State Comptroller found irregularities in the Navitech deal and it will not work this time either. How stupid do they think we are?

Once again, the taxpayers from every corner of Monroe County know better than to accept the County’s media response to this latest news.

The taxpayers of Monroe County see right through this thinly disguised charade perpetrated on the citizens of our community. The County spokesman's dismissive attitude toward the same people they were sworn to represent and their arrogant sound bites to suggest they are beyond reproach makes this all the more unpalatable. Frankly speaking, the petulance and smugness is an embarrassment to every citizen who cares about democracy and good government.

More often than not, when you behave this way, you are guilty and have something to hide.

The unethical and possibly criminal actions of this administration would eventually reach a tipping point-- and now it has. People are fed up. People are tired of being manipulated and lied to. Most of us know better now-- the majority of taxpayers in Monroe County are finally waking up to this pay-to-play, nepotistic, self-serving corrupt system we call County government.

One way or another, the truth eventually surfaces. Truth has no agenda. We think when it's all said and done, history will not be kind to Maggie-- and history will be the final judge of the Brooks legacy.

Questions and improprieties will surface long after this election cycle. Let's hope the voters of Monroe County wake up and smell the coffee before we dig a hole that we can not get out of. We would hate to tell you, "we told you so."

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