Saturday, November 23, 2013

Maggie Brooks: Tightrope

Published on Nov 23, 2013
(For best viewing results, select 1080p HD full screen.) The career and legacy of the Brooks administration is hanging in the balance. As far as we can tell, the Brooks legacy will go down in history as one that afforded opportunities to those who are financially insulated from any harm while the disabled, middle-class, poor and working poor were left with higher fees, limited services and a lower standard of living. This year's budget is more of the same-- less money for child care for poor families and plenty of perks to keep the wealthy supporting her personal agenda.

It wasn't that long ago Maggie Brooks tried unsuccessfully to take money away from our schools with her FAIR plan-- a deal the taxpayers are still smarting from. She also eliminated funding for the Center for Disability Rights, nixed a joint public safety agreement with the City of Rochester and hacked away at lead paint funding which would make our children less safe.

Tax levies have risen eight times since she has been in office, despite her attempt to paint another picture. If you want bigger income inequality, under performing schools, less regulatory controls on the water we drink, in the air that we breathe, or tainted meat for that matter, Maggie Brooks is exactly who you want as your County Executive. If you want your government to put personal profit of a few insiders before the common good of the taxpayers, than support her agenda. With the advent of her most trusted circle of friends being indicted on felonious crimes, these developments have moved the conversation from unethical to criminal. When will the average citizen say, enough is enough?

Putting it mildly, Maggie Brooks is a divisive, anti-worker and anti-equality law maker. Despite all the turmoil that surrounds her, the media throws her softballs and holds her to a different standard. She hires Dennis Vacco at taxpayer expense to hold a press conference to tell the community she did "nothing inappropriate" with respect to the LDC fiasco. This is the behavior of someone so removed from the public she can't even understand how arrogant and galling this behavior might be to most learned observers.

However, sooner or later the Teflon will slip off the ol' frying pan. She is walking a narrow tightrope right now.

And, lastly, if you cannot make the connection between local GOP policies and child poverty rates in Rochester and Monroe County, you are living in a fantasy world.

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