Friday, September 2, 2011


Rochester, N.Y. -- As we celebrate Labor Day 2011, working families face greater attacks on their economic security than at any time since the days of the robber barons in the late 19th Century.  And, that is the reality we are facing right here in the Rochester and Monroe County area as well.

Across the country, politicians backed by Wall Street billionaires are attacking fundamental reforms that union members fought for over many decades – reforms such as collective bargaining, child labor laws, safety regulations and even the right of workers to vote. Together, we are fighting back with the spirit of those who came before us.

Locally, neo-conservative political ideology is creeping into local government policy-- whereby the unionized workforce are being asked to sacrifice what little they already have to benefit those who are insulated from any financial harm.  Public workers for Monroe County, including CSEA and the Federation of Social Workers do not even have a contract dating back to 2008-- the outsourced County attorneys refuse to bargain in good faith and have stalled negotiations at every turn.  One doesn't have to question why-- it's not in their financial interest to do so.  The real loser here are the taxpayers of Monroe County.

On Labor Day (and every day), we need to remember that our victories to improve the lives of workers were always opposed by the power elite.  The simple truth is that there are some politicians and well-heeled individuals in our community who could care less about the common good.

And now, just as then, the elite feel no need for shared sacrifice, especially here in Monroe County.  Rather, the burden of our struggling economy has been put on the backs of everyday folk. Instead of creating good jobs and helping the working middle-class hold on to their homes and their dreams for the future, too many politicians want to give even more power to the greedy interests who created the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression.

By pulling together in the past, America’s middle-class set our nation on a different course. And that is exactly what we need to do today. We will not let anti-worker billionaires and politicians turn back the clock and turn our country into one of “haves” and “have nots.” We will not let "others" define who we are.  We will eventually come out on top-- because our cause is on the right side of justice.  We are fighting for our future and our children's futures. We are fighting for a strong middle class and a more righteous and more just America.

Happy Labor Day everyone, and don't forget to thank those who have sacrificed the most to make our community the best it can be. As labor leaders of the past often said, "Either you are with us, or you are against us.  Which one is it?"

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