Sunday, September 25, 2011


Rochester, N.Y.--  The taxpayers and citizens of Rochester and Monroe County deserve a local government administration that is just as honest, fair-minded, hard-working and sincere as they are. No more, no less.

Sooner or later, the questionable actions of this administration would reach a tipping point-- and now it has. Are decisions made for the greater good, or are public tax dollars just supporting well-connected political donors and operatives plus GOP Party loyalists?

Everywhere we go, people are telling us they are fed up. People are tired of being manipulated and lied to. Most of us know better now-- the majority of taxpayers in Monroe County are finally waking up to this pay-to-play, nepotistic, self-serving political system we call county government.

This slide show revisits this administration's scandalous past and dubious choices, incident after incident, debacle after debacle-- and many events and issues were not even mentioned. That would include the nonprofit ESL Sports Centre making political contributions to local GOP elected officials, arresting a NYS Assemblymember in Feb. 2008 at a Public Safety Meeting and the defunding of the Center for Disability Rights.

This is in addition to a County workforce (CSEA and FSW) who have been working without a contract for 996 days (as of Sept. 24, 2011).

Area voters and our working families get another shot at who represents them this November. A positive outlook and future for Monroe County's middle-class depends upon a strong voter turnout on Tuesday, November 8.

Please get out and vote on Election Day. Be your own best advocate.

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